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First Rehearsal Plan

Group Activity: Whisper Down the Lane:

  • Ask for minimum two-three volunteers (in production, these would ideally be the actors playing reporter roles), who will then step outside the game momentarily to be reporters

  • The rest of the cast and participants will stand in a line.

  • The person on one end is the “detective.” I will whisper a piece of (real) evidence to the detective, who will whisper it to the person next to them until the message has reached the last person in line, the “prosecutor”

    • Whispers are one-and-done. No one should repeat their message, and messages should be passed on as heard.

  • The prosecutor will announce the final message out loud. Once heard, our reporters will have a short time (<1 min) to write a gripping headline about that message. All will vote on the headline they’d pay money to read.

Presented Info:

  • Intro to world of the play:

    • News media was the way to understand what was happening and was also prime source of entertainment

    • This trial was incredibly personal for almost everyone in the city

      • White poor: Mary was one of them, and was killed by the symbol of everything keeping them down (wealthy, Yankees, industry, Jews)

      • African-Americans: a complete anomaly that reminded them of the unfair ways they were treated (numerous references to lynching/assumptions of black guilt with Newt Lee, Dorsey’s comment that another “negro isn’t enough his time”)

      • Jews: limits of assimilation, especially for Lucille

  • Intro to the project of the play: how did we get from beginning (circumstantial evidence at best) to end (mob justice, lynching)

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