A reference point for any edits, changes, cuts, or reassignments we make in the rehearsal room!
Pharisees and the Tax Collector
Presented in an "NPR" style narration, so we've cut or changed "Hallelujahs," etc. to scene-appropriate vocalizations. We've changed for Sonia:
"Gather round brothers and sisters!"
"The Pharisee, why he just stood right on up and pra-a-a-a-ayed thus" to "The Pharisee stood up and prayed thus"
We've also cut from Sonia/Galen: ​
"I said the good Lord in Heaven, Chile"
Good Samaritan
We are using the revival text, p. 24-25
We are cutting both times Heather says "he said"
We are cutting Kara's line "Meh, you're not an altar boy"
We are cutting Mark's line "Sorry, important case, Lindsay Lohan—again!"
Post-"Day by Day"
We have cut the "hootchy-koocie" moments following "Day by Day," cutting all of p. 26 and most of p. 27. We skip right to Jesus: "You have heard that they were told"
"Learn Your Lessons Well"
We are using the orchestration from the end of 2011 Revival version of "Learn Your Lessons Well," with the lyrics of the second version ("every bright description..."). Check out the recording below!
Sower and Seeds
We are cutting singing "Jesus Loves Me" and going right from Jesus's: "...will be dealt back to you" to "A sower went to sow some seeds..."
Pre-Prodigan Son
"All For The Best"
We are changing the joke between Judas and Jesus to the revival version. Dialogue goes as follows:
JESUS: "First take the plank out of your own eye so you can see clearly to take the speck of sawdust out of your brother's"
JUDAS: "I'm sorry, I just can't see it that way"
JESUS: "Why not?"
ALL OTHERS: "Because he has a plank in his eye!"
We are cutting the military drill-sergeant bit after "All Good Gifts" and jumping right to the cast singing the "Looney Tunes" theme song before the Prodigal Son.